Carleigh Goldstein

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“I fell in love with the school the first time I visited, and I feel like its a perfect fit academically and athletically. The team camaraderie and Coach Hexter’s philosophy are really important to me, as well as the unique educational opportunities offered.”
“To remember to have fun at prospect days and visits, even though they may be stressful and to stay positive throughout the process. Everyone has their own recruiting timeline, and everything will work out if you dedicate time and effort.”
“My teammates are probably my favorite part of Blast. I love all of them and I have made so many amazing friendships and memories! Having so many friends from different schools really makes my experience at Blast special!”
George Washington, William and Mary, St. Joes
2016 State Championship Finalist, 2016 Norlax Most Improved Player, National Tournament Team,Honor Roll, 3x Varsity Volleyball, 2x All-League Volleyball, Michael Breschi Foundation, Best Buddies, Speak Up
“Thank you to Josie Ferri, Julie Young, and all of my all of my Blast coaches for always supporting and believing in me. Thank you to Brooke Fritz and all of the Radnor Lacrosse family for pushing me to be a better player. Thank you to my family and friends for the never ending support an love, especially my dad for being my biggest fan. You have always done everything you can to make me a better person and player, and I don’t know what I would do without your help.”